The AZ Mixing Eductor can provide the required energy to accomplish proper mixing, hydration and dispersion utilizing a conventional centrifugal pump or rotary gear pump. The AZ Eductor does not use mechanical shear to achieve uniform hydration and dispersion.

AZ Mixing Eductor Features:

  1. No moving parts
  2. Easy to disassemble and clean
  3. CIP capability
  4. Compact
  5. Light weight
  6. Stainless Steel construction

AZ Mixing Eductor Benefits:

  1. Rapid dispersion, hydration and particle solubility
  2. High-speed dosing rate
  3. Prevents lumps, “fish-eyes,” and microgels
  4. Uniform blend with polymers, starches, emulsions, clays, pigments, gums, and hydrocolloids.

The AZ Mixing Eductor has a non-circular nozzle that generates twin geometrically and opposing downstream vortices. The twin vortices interact with each other’s overlapping axes. The overlapping axes influence fluid stretching and folding. During the stretching, interfacial contact exposes individual strands that promote rapid hydration and the folding motion uniformly disperses the slurry. The dynamic interfacial contact in mixing will enhance the stability of the slurry.

Please contact our sales team to learn more about our AZ Mixing Eductors and our Pilot Study Program. Patent No. 8,622,715


Fig. 1
Model C-ED-3-S-09 AZ Mixing Eductor

Fig. 2
 Model C-ED-3-S-01 AZ Mixing Eductor

Fig. 3 Twin Turbine Nozzle Insert

AZ Mixing Eductor Pictures


AZ Mixing Eductor Performance Charts

Please click on the corresponding links below to access a PDF file of our AZ Mixing Eductor  Performance Charts, sizes (1.0″) to (3.0″).

To learn how our systems can lower your costs and improve the quality of your products, contact us for more information!

AZ Mixing Eductor Applications


Below are some common applications with which we have achieved optimal results.  This is not an inclusive list, so if you do not see your specific ingredient listed below, please let us know and we will be glad to discuss it further.  Contact Us!

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A – F G – Pol Pot – Z
Ammonium Acetate Gelatines Potassium Acetates
Ammonium Silicate Gluten Potassium Aluminum Silicate
Anti-caking Agents Glycerol Protein Powders
Anti-foaming Agents Gravies Resins
Barley Flour Guar Gum Sodium Acetate
Bentonite Gum Arabic Sodium Aluminum Phosphate
Biopolymers Hard-to-mix Ingredients SCMC (Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose)
Calcium Bisulfate HEC (Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose) Sodium Citrates
Calcium Carbonates HEMC (Hydroxy Ethyl Methyl Cellulose) Sodium Gluconate
Calcium Citrates Hydrocolloids Sorbitan (Emulsifier)
Calcium Formate Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Sulfuric Acid
CMC (Carboxymethylcellulose) Lime Starches
Carrageenan (Polysaccharides) Magnesium Sugar and Sugar Substitutes
Caropol Magnesium Stearate Tara Gum
Citric Acid Milk Powder Talc
Clays Mineral Salts Thickeners
EDTA Oils and Fats Vegetable Gums
Emulsifiers Pectins Wheat Flour
Flavours Polymers Xanthan Gum
Flocculants Polysorbates (Emulsifiers) Zinc Acetate